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About Hawa Enterprises Sanforize Rubber Belt

Hawa EnterprisesHAWA ENTERPRISES' Zero-Zero Rubber Belt normally used in textile finishing process (properly known as sanforizing) for pre-shrinking fine, lightweight cloth and can also be used for twills, drills and other medium weight fabrics.

The success of the HAWA ENTERPRISES  Rubber Belt is due to, not only to it’s time proven quality, but also to the prompt technical service provided to customers. This value added service provided by qualified multi-lingual staff gives HAWA ENTERPRISES customers confidence to compete in all world markets and to command the best prices for their goods.

HAWA ENTERPRISES Rubber Belt are manufactured using highest quality raw materials and ingredients which are often available only with a very high priced Rubber product manufacturer.  The time proven “ply built” method ensures absolute Rubber Belt surface uniformity, ideal rubber dynamics for maximum cloth pre-shrinking capacity throughout Rubber Belt useful life, and uniform performance throughout belt thickness from beginning to end.

HAWA ENTERPRISES' efforts towards gaining technical superiority by perseverance and innovation, earning product loyalty by consistent supply, unfailing service, maintenance and single-minded dedication, fulfilling the stringent demands of the textile industry has always stood the company in good stead. Ever striving for a 'Zero-Defect' product performance, Hawa Enterprises today are able to assure a production of nearly 10 million meters of sanforized cloth subject to excellent conditions maintaining the Zero-Zero Rubber Belts.

More than 1000's of satisfied HAWA ENTERPRISES customers, return to HAWA ENTERPRISES time after time for the unequalled Rubber Belt quality and unique technical support.

Hawa Zero Rubber Belt Available Sizes:

Machine type Shrinking Range comfit
Internal Circumference (mm)
3962 962
Thickness (mm)
50 to 71 50 to 55
Width (mm)Structure
1200 to 2100 1200 to 2100
Surface hardness (ShA)
39OC 39OC
Temperature resistance 90OC-140OC 90OC-140OC

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The Simplest way to illustrating the principles invollved in controlled Compressive Shrinking is to take a piece of Rubber and Blend
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